Faith can be an important part of a survivor’s journey of healing, but in some cases, it can also complicate their path to safety. Some survivors may be faced with abusers who manipulate religious beliefs and religious teachings or faith leaders who lack the knowledge to provide counsel, creating additional barriers
RAVE is an initiative that seeks to bring knowledge and social action together to assist families of faith impacted by abuse.
Lord, I adore you and give you thanks for creating me to be just who I am. You created me to enjoy the fullness of life, your life in me. Heal me of any incidents of abuse in my life or in the lives of my children that made us feel unworthy or inferior. Heal us of all experiences of abuse in our home that may have made us feel guilty and ashamed, that has caused us to reject ourselves and to lose hope. Surround me with your light, Jesus, and penetrate the very depths of my being with that light. Let there remain no areas of darkness in me or in my children, but transform our whole being with the healing light of your love. Open me completely to receive Your love, I pray.
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